The history of VLIEG
Since 1974, we've been making it easy for you!
1941 - The very beginning...
In the Wieringermeer, H.W. (Henk) van Hylckama Vlieg was born in Slootdorp on April 26, 1941. This son of a farmer studied at the Higher Technical School in Leeuwarden and eventually found his interest in the insurance industry with a preference for "life.

Getting off to a flying start, mortgage advisory firm H.W. VLIEG BV begins on the corner of Van Everdingenstraat and Kennemerstraatweg in Alkmaar. Employee of the first hour Rob Drupsteen eventually worked at VLIEG until his retirement.
Acquisition Kant-Bregman, a brokerage and insurance company with offices in Bergen NH and Schagen. Name change of brokerage offices to VLIEG-Bregman and opening of offices in Purmerend and Heerhugowaard to follow soon.
Due to favorable economic developments, VLIEG-Bregman is opening brokerage offices in Almere, Den Helder and Hoorn.
Started a new business, Medical Advisory Bureau (MAB) because life insurance-based mortgage sales require examinations. MAB-Mediwork is now a certified ARBO service with branches in Alkmaar, Almere, Haarlem and Purmerend.
The brokerage offices continued under the (trade) name VLIEG VASTGOED GROEP, later changed to VLIEG Makelaars OG; the mortgage advice offices under the name VLIEG Hypotheken and the insurance business under the name VLIEG Assurantie Makelaars.
Start of a new venture; VAG Assuradeuren; an insurance proxy company. VAG Assuradeuren is a quick link between the insurance advisor and the insurance companies.
As a result, we no longer need permission to accept insurance or pay a claim.
An opening of the VLIEG Hypotheken branch in The Hague will follow later in the year.
The Hague and Arnhem offices are being sold. The poor geographical connection creates too little synergy. Opening of 2 new offices in Zaandam and Haarlem, perfectly joining the geographic network of now 10 offices.
Construction start of the new headquarters on Robijnstraat in Alkmaar. Acquisition/opening of office in Hoorn.
Start of the GeldXpert franchise formula, the first all-finance (mortgage) advice agency in the Netherlands.
VLIEG offices are joining this leading franchise formula.
Professionalization of corporate brokerage with offices in Alkmaar, Haarlem and Almere under the name VLIEG Bedrijfsmakelaars OG. VLIEG Insurance becomes a member of the NVA. Relocation of Bergen headquarters to Robijnstraat in Alkmaar in the VLIEG Office Center. The bar on the fourth floor will be occupied as being the thirteenth branch.
The franchise formula VLIEG Makelaars is established and the existing Lelystad office becomes the first franchise branch. Followed later in 2010 and 2011 by the Haarlem and Purmerend branches.
We are still in the middle of the crisis, but an opportunity is presenting itself in Heerhugowaard. By acquiring the office of Bert van Vulpen Heerhugowaard, we are further expanding our market leadership position in this area. In April, our branch will move to Station Square 25.
After almost 40 years, Henk van Hylckama Vlieg is handing over the baton to the new Managing Director. The holding management of the VLIEG Advisory Group will henceforth be chaired by Drs. Alex Zorner RM RT.
After studying economics at UVA, Alex completed his brokerage degree, and has been with VLIEG Advies Group since 2004.
On January 1, VLIEG ceased to be a franchisee of the GeldXpert franchise formula and from now on will continue solely under the label VLIEG Mortgages. The vision of optimally serving total customers is once again expressed by management in the payoff: for your convenience everything under one roof!
After more than 40 years, we are moving on April 1 from the distinctive building on Amsterdamseweg to our new location, at Rembrandtweg 164, complete with brokerage. This beautiful sight location is located on the corner of the Rembrandtweg with the Groen van Prinstererlaan, near the Stadshart Amstelveen.
After 25 years, a new logo. VLIEG makes it clear in addition to easy!